Monday, February 11, 2008

New Firsts

I am amazed everyday by the new things Lake is doing. Today, he had two firsts. This morning, I was getting ready for work and Lake said "Mama, poo-poo" I wasn't really sure what he meant by this so I checked his diaper and he was fine. He said it again so I carried him to the bathroom and sat him on the toilet and he did his business right away. I could not believe it. 16 months is a little early for potty training and I know it was probably a one time thing but I was excited anyways. This afternoon he sat at his table and put his puzzle together by all by himself; he is becoming a little boy!


Anonymous said...

yah for lake!!!!

Tara said...

Oh Wow! Good for you if you get him potty trained that soon! Awesome!! It makes me sad that they are growing out of the baby stages, yet it is also so exciting!!!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

Wow! That is awesome! I love to watch as they grow and see them do things for the first time. It is bittersweet!