Wednesday, September 17, 2008


These are just a few pictures of our ceiling as the damage was occuring. Things got worse as it continued to rain but all those pictures are on Jeff's camera. We tried to make it up to the lake House but the roads were too flooded. The realtor said everything was O.K. We'll get a better look this weekend. My school was cancelled all week so I have plenty of time to get all this mess cleaned up; thanks goodness. Things could have been a lot worse. We are very greatful for everyone's thoughts and prayers!



Tara said...

Oh WOW! I cant imagine it being much worse. I hope that you are making progress this week since you are out of school. I have been thinking about you guys.

Nikki said...

Oh my!! I guess from all of the pictures I have seen on T.V. it could have been worse but that is really bad. I am so sorry but I am glad all of you are o.k.