Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day at the Farm

This is a big dog!

Come here little calf, I want to pet you!
This weekend, Jeff and I got to spend some time with our friends on their farm. This is the last weekend of deer season so we had to go hit the stands. We didn't have any luck with hogs or deer, but early this morning the boys got some dove and some geese. Lake loves going to visit the Kallina's. Anything that is outdoors is heaven for him. Tommorrow is my first day back after Christmas break and Lake's first day in the toddler class; no more nursery. I am so sad because I love his nursery teachers and Lake does too. We are really hoping his new teachers will be as loving. Wish us luck!


Tara said...

I enjoyed seeing pictures of "a farm". I miss my grandfathers farm, and even though he has another one now it is just "not" the same. Oh well, I guess I had better get used to it. Mom and Dad are building a house on it in a couple of years. Lake is getting so big! He is definitely a boy now and not a baby.