Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Lake's Pumpkins
A chicken eating chicken!

No,this is not mommy, but she sure is pretty!

Would someone please fill my bucket?
Trick or Treat
Babies in costumes, how cute...
Yes, this is a real pumkin I am holding!

What an exciting evening! Lake went to a costume party with 15 other infants tonight. He had such a good time. He stayed in his costume the whole night. He even won the "Best Costume" award. He was happy all night; especially when he got to eat some candy. Our "Little Chicken"really strutted his stuff for everyone to see!


Tara said...

I know I am biased, but he is definitely the cutest in the picture! I love to see babies in their costumes! So adorable. I am glad you all had fun. Tell Lake I am very impressed that he is able to hold a giant pumpkin! Strong little boy! Congrats on the award, I hope he got a certificate or something for his scrapbook.

Nikki said...

Love the pumpkins!! Lake is the cutest chicken ever! It looks like he had the best time. You better watch him and his daddy with that pretty girl!

Chris,Susan,Grady & Grant said...

Happy Halloween, Lake!! You are sooo cute!!! Ofcourse, you won best costume! We love you! Come and see us again soon!!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

He is so cute! It looks like he had a great time! I love his costume!