Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We have internet again!

Well, our internet servicce has been out for about two months. When it first went out, I was on the phone for 2 1/2 hours trying to get it fixed. And of course I got disconnected and they never called back. I thought I was going to die without my laptop! Actually, at first I was a little stressed but then after a week I really didn't miss it at all. It turned out to be a stress relief...I didn't have to update my blog, check my facebook, check my email....Anyways, I have decided that since it is fixed I will set time aside once a week to get on the internet. Check back soon for some recent updates of what Lake has been doing! I am so excited it's summer, I have 3 months to spend with my little buddy!



Tara said...

Well, I was wondering where you were. I can see that being a blessing in disguise! Ha! Cant wait for the updates!